"The glory of God, and of His Son Jesus Christ, as manifested in the final holiness and happiness of all men, is the central sun of Universalism." -- Thomas Whittemore, 1840 |
"God will seek us -- how long? Until he finds us. And when he's found the last little shriveling rebellious soul and has depopulated hell, then death will be swallowed up in victory, and Christ will turn over all things to the Father that he may be all and in all. Then every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Clarence Jordan - |
"It is often remarked by those who oppose the doctrine of universal salvation, that if God is the Savior of all men, then there is no difference between the saint and the sinner, the believer and unbeliever. Those who make this remark, seem to forget, that while God is declared to be the Savior of all men, he is also said to be ESPECIALLY the Savior of the believer. Though it is true, that God is the Savior of all, yet a little more attention would teach you, that all along, in Scripture, there is a salvation held forth as the SPECIAL PROPERTY of the believer, in which the unbeliever can have no part or lot. Though all shall be saved with an everlasting salvation, yet the believer ALONE can enjoy this special salvation." -- Rev. I. D. Williamson, 1840 |
"In the first five or six centuries of Christianity there were six theological schools, of which four (Alexandria, Antioch, Caesarea, and Edessa, or Nisibis) were Universalist, one (Ephesus) accepted conditional immortality; one (Carthage or Rome) taught endless punishment of the wicked. Other theological schools are mentioned as founded by Universalists, but their actual doctrine on this subject is not known." "The Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge" |
The Winchester Profession of 1803 We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments contain a revelation of the character of God, and of the duty, interest and final destination, of mankind. We believe there is one God, whose nature is love; revealed in one Lord Jesus Christ, by one Holy Spirit of Grace, who will finally restore the whole family of mankind to holiness and happiness. We believe that holiness and true happiness are inseparably connected; and that believers ought to maintain order, and practice good works, for these things are good and profitable unto men. |
The Five Principles of Faith (1899) 1. The Universal Fatherhood of God
An Affirmation of Faith (1903) "I believe in God, the Father Almighty and Universal; and in Jesus Christ his Son, the true teacher, example, and Savior of the world. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the quickener and comforter of men. I believe in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as a revelation of righteousness, truth and love. I believe in the Holy Church Universal;
Case for Universal Restoration:
Absurdities Exposed: Letters from a Universalist Minister - Here are chapters (abridged) from the book Footprints heavenward: or, Universalism the more excellent way, by Steere, M. J. (Boston: J.M. Usher), 1861.
The Beauty of Christian Universalism "Christian Universalism appears to me very simple, consistent, and beautiful. It regards this world as God's, and the whole human family as His children. It accepts without distrust the fundamental fact of the gospel, that God, out of his great love to mankind, now alienated from him by sin, sent his only begotten Son to seek and to save that which was lost, and by redeeming men from sin, to restore them to their right relations with God, and thus fit them to glorify and enjoy Him forever. - (adapted from the book "Endless Punishment In the Very Words of Its Advocates", by Thomas J. Sawyer - 1880)
The Pathway to Glory - By Evangelist Leon A. Bynoe. Discusses "The way of God's Spririt," "Why did God give His Son for us?, "How may I receive salvation?," among other important topics.
A Brief Introduction to the Christian Universalist Faith -- "Christian Universalism", in its simple and proper theological sense, is the doctrine of universal reconciliation, universal salvation; or in other words, of the final holiness and happiness of all mankind, to be effected by the grace of God, through the ministry of his Son, Jesus Christ.
Christian Universalist Beliefs - The Bible is the creed of the Christian Universalist. In this respect, the Christian Universalist beliefs are the same as most other Christians differing mainly in the extent of God's love and the final results of His salvation. But as they have been, at various periods, much misrepresented by their opposers, a Profession of Belief, embracing those important points of doctrine in which all Christian Universalists are agreed, eventually became necessary.
(Christian) Universalist Belief: Or the Doctrinal Views of (Christian) Universalists. By Asher Moore, 1846
Chapter 15 - The Great Consummation
Will God Save All or Only Some? -- "There is no salvation for anyone at any time except through Jesus Christ and His saving work. It is only through His death, burial, and resurrection life that all will be saved. There will be no failure here. He was manifested to put away sin and to destroy the works of the Devil (Heb.9:26; 1 Jn.3:8). He will not stop until He has accomplished these ends."
Will All Who
Die In Adam Be Made Alive In Christ? -- "Man was made for
life, but death swallows up the race. Is death always to be the abject,
heartbreaking end of life, or will death some day be vanquished and its
victims freed? The right answer to this question reveals a triumphant
Savior, strengthens faith in God, gives true comfort, and inspires worship,
thanksgiving and joy. The right answer is God's answer."
Questions Without Answers - A list of 213 questions that will help to clarify God's plan of salvation as set forth in the Holy Bible, so that when questions are asked, correct answers can be given. To those holding a limited view of God's plan of salvation, they are truly Questions Without Answers, but, to those who rely on God's Word, the answers become apparent as His truth is revealed to them. The questions were written by A. C. Thomas and appeared in a book written by E. H. Lake in 1855, entitled "The Key to Truth".
"A Pocket Cyclopedia, Brief Explanations of Religious Terms", written by John Wesley Hanson in 1892. Supplementary information has been provided from other sources for some of the terms.
Christian Universalism: True Biblical Christianity - By Chaplain Ken Allen, The faith of the early Christians revealing the True Grace of God.
What Is Christian Universalism? - by Ken Allen. A definition and clarification of Christian Universalism.
The Essential Principles of Christian Universalism - A statement embracing the essential principles held in common by the Universalist ministers generally. Prepared in 1878 by a group of Universalist ministers in Boston, (which included A.A. Miner, T. J. Sawyer, C. R. Moor, O. F. Safford, and A. St. John Chambre, and others).
What is Universalism? - An 1860's tract published by the Universalist Sunday School Union of Philadelphia. Defines the doctrine of Universalism and the System of Faith that developed around the doctrine.
Affirmations of Univeralism - A sermon by Quillen Hamilton Shinn (1845-1907): "THE word Destiny distinguishes us from Christians of other churches. We believe in a good destiny for all. We believe God will make all his bad children good; he wants to, and he can. He has the disposition, the power, the means, and the time. If love is all conquering, there is no foe it will not subdue, not even the rebellious will of man. We believe more than our brethren of other churches, not less. No faith is so grand or complete as ours, and yet so misunderstood. All benevolent people want it to be true, but think it is too good to be true. The selfish man hopes for something better, and looks forward to it, for himself. The benevolent man--and every Christian is one--is looking forward to something better for all the other members of the great family; and he will never be satisfied and perfectly happy until there is something better for all. Questions asked every day betray the general ignorance prevailing as to the beliefs of Universalism. People ask if we believe in God, if we believe in Christ, if we believe in the Bible, if we believe in a hereafter, if we believe in prayer, and even if we believe in punishment,-- when I know of no Christian people who emphasize as strongly as we do the absolute certainty of punishment. It seems to be the opinion of most all Christian people that our church is founded upon negations, whereas our affirmations express stronger faith than that professed by any other church on earth.
"Aion" and aionios. From "Christ Triumphant" by Thomas Allin, 1890. These are the originals of the terms rendered by our translators "everlasting," "for ever and ever:" and on this translations, so misleading, a vast portion of the popular dogma of endless torment is built up.
The Outcome of Infinite Grace - By Dr. Loyal Hurley -The last enemy to be destroyed is death! It was this verse which caused the author, a pastor, to study afresh the subject of the fate of the wicked. The three choices apparent from a surface reading of various biblical texts were eternal torment, extermination or ultimate reconciliation. The author studied to find which one was true. This book is a result of that study. Says the author, If it proves as satisfying to the reader as it has to the writer we shall have a delightful time rejoicing in hope of the glory of God.
Preaching the Gospel - From "Counsel and Encouragement: Discourses on the Conduct of Life", by Hosea Ballou, 2D., D.D. Written in 1866.
Why Impartial Grace is an Occasion of Reproach - From "Counsel and Encouragement: Discourses on the Conduct of Life", by Hosea Ballou, 2D., D.D. Written in 1866.
Eternity Explained - By Lee Salisbury. Eternity is one of the most controversial words in the Bible. What is the true meaning behind that word?
Eternal Punishment - Is it Really of God? - By Lee Salisbury. The early church did NOT teach eternal punishment. It was ADDED to the church several centuries after Christ. It's time to return back to sanity. We've had enough darkness.
God's Grief Turned to Joy! - By Lee Salisbury. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the whole world, not just a part of it. It's time Christians start giving Jesus full Glory instead of the half-truths we have been peddling.
Concordant Studies
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The Winchester Profession of
Faith Adopted by the General Convention of Universalists in 1803 |
The Seal adopted in 1870. |
The Five Principles of Faith adopted in 1899. | |
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1. The Universal Fatherhood of God 2. The spiritual authority and leadership of His Son Jesus Christ 3. The trustworthiness of the Bible as containing a revelation from God 4. The certainty of just retribution for sin 5. The final harmony of all souls with God |