IF THERE IS an eternal hell, no other but God Himself can have called
it into existence, for no one else would have the power to do so. Did He
make it before or after sin entered the world? If before, we would
be forced to believe that He deliberately created mankind for such a fate.
Or did He not foresee sin and yet make hell, in order to dispose
of sinners in case there would be some? Then why create human beings at
all if this was such a risky matter? And if God instituted hell after
Satan or Adam had sinned, because He was not able to keep them from sinning,
where are His omniscience as well as His omnipotence? If anything in God’s
creation can happen apart from His plan, where is there any security in
this life or in that to come? Must we not give up our trust and faith in
an Almighty God, or assume that sin and hell are a part of His plan?
do we study the Bible in vain when we desire an answer to these questions,
which are of fundamental importance to every one who wants to know what
sort of a God he is to worship? I have searched without getting any light
on this subject. I ask why He gives us a book in order to reveal Himself
to us and then not even tells us why He had to create doomed sinners. Heart
and reason rebel against such a doctrine. It is a direct contradiction
to God’s own precept that we are to love our enemies. How can He ask us
to do so, if He proposes to torture eternally not only His enemies, but
also those who never heard of Him? It seems to me that if we tried to imitate
God, as Orthodoxy depicts Him, we would become more like devils. And if
He has to act like that for some reason which is beyond us, a whole huge
vista of other perplexing difficulties opens up to our view.
of the worst problems seems to me, why a God, Who has the power to cast
Satan into the lake of fire, as He himself says that He will, did not do
it before he could do so much damage? Why does He let Satan remain at liberty
for thousands of years. Why does He let him deceive and mislead millions?
Why does He allow mankind under his leadership to ruin itself as well as
the earth, this once wonderful achievement of His creative power?
if all this had to be for some reason which we cannot fathom, why must
humanity multiply at such a rate? If most men are only rushing to an eternal
hell, why would not a wise and loving God let only comparatively few come
into existence?
I for my part cannot understand how anyone who believes in an eternal hell
dares to bring children into the world.
has often seemed to me that it would be better to be born as an animal
than a human being. An animal may have to endure awful sufferings, but
there is always the certainty that these will once end, whereas the lost
sinner has no such hope.
the praise and thanks that is being offered to God for His wonderful salvation
of sinners through the death of Christ has not been able to answer the
following questions:
was Christ sent only after thousands of year of sin and death for countless
multitudes? Why was He sent without providing that all could immediately
hear of His sacrifice? Why has it been impossible to reach whole continents
until very recently?
even today, with all the modern facilities, why is mission-work no triumph?
Why all the dreadful handicaps, ill health, want of money, etc., with which
God’s witnesses have to struggle, apart from the callousness of the hearts
of unsaved men?
Bible says that God can alone accomplish a change of these stubborn hearts.
Why does He not do it, except for a few? To say that He saves all who are
willing, explains nothing, for very few realize what it is all about. Besides,
the Scriptures teach that God also does the willing. As soon as His spirit
reveals to anyone his lost condition and God’s love, his will agrees. Why
does He not reveal Himself to all?
we consider things as they are, it becomes very evident, that Christ saves
not even one-twentieth of all men today. Is that the great, wonderful triumph
of Golgotha? If a doctor discovers a remedy which saves only five percent
of all cases, it is counted a failure. Golgotha’s failure seems even worse.
What about the word: “He shall bruise thy head,” if the serpent gets almost
all of the spoils?
According to popular evangelistic teaching, there is no salvation
apart from Christ and the “New Birth.” We are even forced to believe in
the damnation of infants. Who is able to accept that? Nobody that I know
of. So let us allow that God will save infants without conversion. Then
heaven would be populated for the most part by the “souls” of babies. Myriads
of the black, brown and yellow races would be up there, but hardly any
of maturer age. The few converted heathen of the last century are a mere
nothing compared with the numbers that died without Christ.
it may be a small comfort that infants at least are not sent to hell. But
if this is so, why prevent their dying? All the efforts of well-meaning
people to save the lives of young children would only rob God of their
souls, as experience shows that only a fraction are converted later.
if God can save infants apart from their faith in Christ’s death, why not
also the heathen, who know hardly more about right or wrong than they do.
does not the Bible give us any definite light concerning the salvation
of children? The whole bulky book with all its information does not even
tell us at what age responsibility begins. If men were responsible for
their eternal fate, at least this question would have to be discussed more
fully than others. And what about the responsibility of those who never
heard about Christ? What about the responsibility for our bad dispositions,
our environment, our education, our inherited alienation from God? I for
my part had to come to the conclusion that in the end God alone must remain
responsible for all that is possible in His creation.
other but God decreed that, after Adam’s transgression, the poison of sin
should pass through to all his descendants? Who other but God decreed that,
in contrast to this, salvation is not passed on through any such channel,
but must be appropriated by every individual? No such choice is left to
him when it comes to sinning. He is a slave to sin from the beginning of
his existence and cannot help himself and free himself of its tyranny.
If responsibility played any part in this matter, God would have had to
let every person come into the world as neutral as Adam, and free to choose
for himself sin or obedience.
not only that. Everyone would have to be as enlightened and privileged
as Adam, who had intercourse with God Himself, with greater power to resist
riddle is, in my opinion, that God never even warned the human beings that
an eternal hell would await them if they sinned, and not only them, but
all their descendants. He only told Adam that he would die if he ate of
the forbidden fruit. Is that not just the opposite of never-ending life
in torture, where death would be a mercy?
as we go on searching in the accounts of God’s dealings with the race after
it had been driven from Eden, more and more problems arise. God gives a
law on Sinai and tells the people of Israel that He chooses them for His
own. He selects an entire tribe to serve Him in His sanctuary. He calls
these men holy. How could they be that and yet for the most part be lost?
Or did fleshly descent from Levi and temple-service save them? Was it then
not rather an automatic, carnal thing that could save a man? Why this radically
different way of salvation now? The one under the Old Covenant evidently
was more successful. Where do we have a whole tribe of sanctified people
whole Old Testament is a puzzle. Not a word is said about hell before Daniel’s
prophecy. Only then do we read about everlasting shame and contempt. All
judgments are temporal and earthly. God has pity on people who cannot discern
between right and wrong, like the Ninevites, whom He spared. And there
it was only a question of a destruction of the town, not of an eternal
hell. But today God is supposed to condemn even the ignorant forever.
this point, something in the later Scriptures must be radically wrong,
for how could Christ pray: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what
they do,” and yet hold out no hope outside of the “New Birth”? If we follow
one of His words and believe that He will have mercy on those who know
no better, we should leave the people as much as possible in ignorance.
If we follow His other words, we would be forced to the most frantic efforts
to warn everyone, even though we profess to believe that no one can come
to Christ unless the Father Himself draws him.
Bible seems one vast chaos, beyond understanding, full of contradictions.
An omnipotent God, from Whom the devil takes almost everything; Who knows
all beforehand, yet hinders nothing; Who is even concerned with the cattle
of Nineveh, Whose Son is moved with compassion when He sees a mourning
widow or a blind beggar, and yet He invents a hell of fire and keeps it
going for ever? Where shall we look for light in such darkness?
Christ Will Save All Mankind
and Reconcile the Whole Creation!
After long years of torturing doubts, God had mercy on me and turned
my darkness into light, my despair into joy and my misery into exultation.
He brought me into touch with His revelation, just as He had written it,
apart from most of the mistranslations of well-meaning men, who were bound
by creeds and tradition.
found out that God is operating “all in accord with the counsel
of His will” (Eph.1:11), for all is “out of Him and through
Him and for Him” (Rom.11:36). He does indeed “lock all up together
in stubbornness,” but it is not to damn the most of men, but “that
He should be merciful to all” (Rom.11:32). In order to display His
love He brought in sin and sorrow and death, for only so could He be the
Saviour of all mankind (1 Tim.4:10). In Adam all are dying, so that, in
Christ all may be vivified (1 Cor.15:22). All mankind, through Adam’s offense,
were condemned; yet, in Christ, all mankind will be justified (Rom.5:18).
only will He bring all of earth’s inhabitants back into the sunlight of
His love, but, through the blood of Christ’s cross, He will reconcile
all to Him, whether those on the earth or those in the heavens (Col.1:20).
The present enmity toward God on the part of terrestrial and celestial
creatures will, in due time, be used as a background to display His love.
and suffering are confined to the eons or ages, as “forever” and
“everlasting” should be translated. “Hell” stands for three different words,
the unseen, Gehenna, and Tartarus, none of which mean anything
like the traditional “hell.” Judgment denotes setting right, not
condemnation. Believers in Christ and His sacrifice do not go into judgment.
Unbelievers are judged and go into the second death. But all will be made
alive when death, the last enemy, is abolished (1 Cor.15:26). Then Christ
will subject Himself and all the rest of God’s creatures to His Father,
that God may be All in all (1 Cor.15:28).
is why I no longer have torturing doubts, but revel in exultant faith.
Would you like to enjoy this with me? We have set forth these marvelous
truths in a series of booklets and tracts. Read them! Revel in them!
will indeed be an awful judgment, but it will not merely “punish,” but
set right all wrongs, so that even infants need not fear it. The
Judge is the One Who emptied Himself of His glories as the channel of creation
and came down to earth to become a Man, and to suffer and die to save all,
especially those who believe (1 Tim.4:10). God has raised Him from the
dead, and He has ascended into heaven, but He will come again to receive
us to Himself to reign with Him over His celestial realms. And after that
He will return to earth to restore it and rule over it through His chosen
people Israel.
Romans 5:18,19: As it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life’ justifying. For even as, through the disobedience of the one man the many [descendants] were constituted sinners, thus also, through the obedience of the One, the [same] many shall be constituted righteous.
Romans 11:32: God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all.
Romans 11:36: Out of Him and through Him and for Him is all.
1 Corinthians 15:22,26-28: As in Adam, all are
dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified.
The last enemy is being abolished: death. For
He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all
is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to
Him. Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also
shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All
in all.
Ephesians 1:3,11: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Who is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will.
1 Timothy 4:10: We rely on the living God, Who is the Saviour of all mankind, especially of believers.
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