Doctrinal Views of Universalists.
Moore, 1846
Though it cannot be
denied that one great object of our Savior's mission into the
world was to
bring life and immortality to light through his Gospel, we are
well persuaded
that many passages of the New Testament, which are commonly
applied to this
subject, were never intended to express any such meaning. One of
the chief
sources of error on this subject is found in mistaken notions
concerning the
word resurrection. Many interpreters of
Scripture seem
entirely to forget, if they ever understood the simple fact,
that this word
means of itself nothing more nor less than rising,
and does not,
therefore, necessarily refer to the rising up of man into the
future and immortal
state of existence. The true signification of this word, as
every candid and
sensible theologian perfectly understands, must always be
determined by the
particular connection in which it occurs, and the nature of the
subject to
which it is applied. He that overlooks this important fact, and
is carried away
with the mere sound and commonly approved sense of the word in
question, is
liable to be strangely misled; and by applying to the immortal
state of being
expressions which refer exclusively to things belonging to this
world, he is
not prepared to understand what the Gospel does really say in
regard to the
spiritual and immortal life.
But aside from all
other portions of the Scriptures, in the 15th chapter of 1st
Corinthians the subject of discourse is
plainly stated, that there can be no difference of belief as to
what the
apostle there means by the term resurrection. And
none, we
think, will doubt that the life which all the
kindreds of the
earth are to experience after having died in the earthy nature,
is an immortal life. If,
therefore, we would know what shall be the condition of man in
the future state
of existence, instead of skimming over the whole Bible, and
catching one word
here and another there, and stringing them all together
according to some
favorite creed, we should steadily fix our attention upon some
particular part
of the Scriptures, where this subject is certainly treated. In
this way we
shall be likely to come at the truth. And having fully
ascertained any fact
stated in the Scriptures, we shall find in our examinations of
other portions
of the sacred record, that TRUTH is consistent and harmonious
There are but
few discourses in the New Testament on the
subject of man's
future state of existence—strictly speaking, we should perhaps
say there is but
one. Our Savior, in his dialogue with the Sadducees, did indeed
most explicitly
teach the great doctrine of his Gospel on this subject. But all
that he then
said was spoken in reply to a question that was urged upon his
attention, and
which the querists supposed that he could not answer. His
immediate disciples
were slow of heart to believe in his own resurrection; and it
was not until he
had ascended to heaven, and sent forth the Holy Ghost upon them,
that they were
enabled to comprehend his sublime lessons of truth, touching the
life that is
to come. But the only connected and lengthened discourse in the
New Testament,
confined exclusively to this subject, is found in the chapter of
which we have
spoken. The apostle there addressed those who denied the
important doctrine in
question; and the manifest aim of his discourse was to show that
the human race
will be raised up from the dead into an immortal state of
existence. We need
not cite portions of the chapter to prove this fact; for it will
be freely
admitted on all hands. Still it may not be improper barely to
glance at the
whole chapter, that the entire subject of the discourse may be
brought into view.
In the
opening of the chapter the apostle
repeats the Gospel, which he declares that he had before
preached unto his
brethren, when he assured them that Christ died for the sins of
men, was
buried, and rose again on the third day according to the
Scriptures—that he was
seen alive again after his resurrection by above five hundred
witnesses at
once—(most of whom were still living-) and last of all he was
seen by the
writer himself, “ as one born out of due time.” Having asserted
resurrection of Christ, and proved the fact by referring to the
testimony of a
great cloud of credible witnesses, he thus questions his
incredulous brethren: “Now
if Christ be preached, that he rose from the dead, how say some
among you, that
there is no resurrection of the dead ?" He next speaks of the
wretched and
miserable condition in which he and his Christian brethren would
be involved
without faith in Christ, and the influence of a hope extending
beyond the grave. The
great fact of the Redeemer's rising from the dominion of death
is again brought
into view, accompanied with the declaration that in thug rising
he became the
first fruits of them that slept. “For (it is added) since by man
came death, by
man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all
die, even so in
Christ shall all be made alive.” And the grand consummation of
the whole scheme
of redemption, when the last enemy shall be destroyed, and all
things shall be
subdued unto Christ, even as he also shall be subject unto the
Father, that God
may be all in all, is next asserted in language not easily to be
The manner of the resurrection is afterwards
illustrated, at
least so far as the nature of the subject will admit, and the
important questions
are answered. “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do
they come?”
The simple but beautiful simile of a grain of wheat
is introduced to
show that the outward man shall perish, and mingle again with
its native
element, while the spirit within, which is the image of the
Almighty, shall
return unto God who gave it. And the reader is desired
particularly to notice
that it is not the mere resurrection of
man that the
apostle declares-not the mere fact that the human race
will live after
the dissolution of the earthy body: for he shows that man shall
not rise up as
he has been sown; but that he shall come forth from the dominion
of death
in incorruption, power and glory, with
a spiritual body, and
in a heavenly nature. Hence the emphatic
“And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we
shall also
bear the image of the heavenly
But as
corruption cannot inherit
incorruption, the apostle proceeds to explain a great mystery by
declaring that
“we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
in a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; (for
the trumpet
shall sound ;) and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and
we shall be
changed.” And when this great change after death shall
been affected," then it is added) shall be brought to pass the
that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory."
And, rising in feeling with the grandeur and
sublimity of this
theme, the man of God closes his discourse in the following
strain of triumph
and rejoicing :-“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is
thy victory ?
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to
God, which giveth us the victory through our
Lord Jesus
Such, then, is a very
brief and imperfect synopsis of St. Paul's discourse,
written with
the declared intention of proving and illustrating man's
resurrection from the
dead, into a future state of immortality. He obviously considers
man in his
first and his second estates; and shows that as we now bear the
image of
the earthy, we shall hereafter bear the image
of the heavenly."
And the
amount of his whole argument is,
that as our natural birth gives us the earthy nature
of Adam,
so will our resurrection from the dead, or our birth into the
spiritual world,
exalt us to a blessed participation of the heavenly nature
Jesus Christ.
The apostle, we
conceive, speaks in the chapter before us, not merely of the
first individual
man who was created, but of the human race in their first or
earthy existence.
The reader may not be informed that the word Adam means
merely the first individual man to whom it was applied, but
EARTHY. And we are
all Adam or earthy in this world. We were not originally created
and perfected
with the nature and constitution which we are destined
ultimately to bear. The
present is but the beginning of our whole existence-only the
incipient stage of
our being-but the future and immortal life, where all shall bear
the spiritual
nature of the second man, is the permanent and unchangeable
state for which we
were created. And hence the plain and positive declaration of
our Savior, that
the subjects of the resurrection into the immortal existence
shall be equal
unto the angels, and the children of God, being the
of the resurrection.
Man was at first made
a little lower than the angels; but he was
at the same
time impressed with the seal of his Maker's paternity. He was
created in the
likeness and image of God, as a creature destined to an equality
with the
angels in heaven, and a divine sonship to “the Father of
spirits.” And though
considered merely with reference to his animal nature, it may in
truth be said
that “man hath no preeminence above a beast,” we are taught by
the revelation
of Christ that there is an inner man, which was
created in the
likeness of the Almighty, and which, like the germ of wheat,
will outlive the
perishable body, and be renovated in a purer and a better
existence! There is
in man an emanation from the Divinity, by which he is
distinguished as the
child of God, and which, we rejoice to believe, will be clothed
with the
glorious body of Christ, when mortality shall be swallowed up of
We are not ignorant
of the fact that many Christian teachers assert with great
positiveness that
the divine image, originally impressed upon man by the great
Artificer, has
been entirely lost or destroyed by sin. But the proof of a
position at once so
monstrous and appalling, has never yet appeared to our minds.
And to us it
seems very plain that if a man should by some strange calamity
forfeit his
spiritual relation to the Deity, he would at once be absolved
from all
allegiance to the divine government, and would thenceforth stand
upon a common
level with the beast of the field! But a notion so manifestly
repugnant to
reason, and so utterly destitute of all Scripture authority,
seems unworthy of
an extended notice. When a passage of Scripture can be produced,
which even
appears to sanction the doctrine of man's loss of God's image,
we shall feel
bound to bestow upon it all due consideration. But assertions on
this subject
and the authority of human creeds avail nothing.
By the first man, or
by man in his earthy estate, sin, sorrow and death, and all the
ills to which
mortals are subject, entered into the world. Our earthy nature
is seen in the
first Adam; and in this nature we behold weakness, corruption,
an animal body,
and last of all death. “By one man (says the apostle) sin
entered into the
world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for
that all have
sinned.” Inheriting the same common nature, the whole posterity
of the first individual
man, have followed him in the way of transgression and death. In
this nature
the whole world is guilty before God; and in this nature all men
But in the second man, who
is called “a quickening spirit "and" the Lord from heaven," we
behold another nature, and the last and glorious estate of man.
He came from
the bosom of his Father, full of grace and truth, to bring life
and immortality
to light, in opposition to the sin and death introduced into the
world by the
first man. And hence the apostle says, Rom. v. 20, 21,
“Moreover, the law
entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded,
grace did much
more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might
grace reign,
through righteousness, unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our
Lord.” Sin and
death came by the first man; but they are limited in duration,
and will
be succeeded by the grace and life of “the
Savior of the
world." The reign of sin will be destroyed by the Redeemer, who
has been
appointed to finish sin, and to bring in everlasting
righteousness; and all who
have borne the image of the earthy man, will then be made alive
and blessed in
the nature of the heavenly For as we have borne
the image of
the earthy, we shall also bear the image of
the heavenly."
Here, then, we are presented with a great and
glorious truth,
which is too seldom noticed, and which we regret to say, is
disbelieved by many professing Christians. The first stage of
man's existence
is in Adam, in whom all die; and his last estate is in Christ,
in whom all
shall be made alive. The sure promises of God's word show that
life in the heavenly nature of
Jesus Christ
shall be co-extensive with the reign of sin and death in the
earthy nature. And
we are not obliged to rest the proof of this fact upon a single
passage of the
divine word, or upon any doubtful inference. The Scriptures in
numerous places
declare it in language too 'plain to be set aside, or explained
in consistency
with any other faith. Mark the following passage from Rom. v.
18, “ Therefore,
as by the offense of one, judgment came upon all men to
condemnation; even so by
the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto
justification of
life.” By the sin which was introduced into the world through
one man, all men
are condemned in the flesh; even so by
Jesus Christ the
righteous, the free gift of justification
unto life shall
come upon all mankind. And the whole subject is briefly but most
expressed in these words, “ For as in Adam all die, even so in
Christ shall all
be made alive."
But lest a doubt
should still linger in the mind of some reader, let the question
be fairly
considered, How many of the human race die in the earthy nature
of Adam?
answer from every mind is, All men. In
this nature all men live, and in this nature all men die. We
believe that even
Enoch and Elijah experienced death in some way, and that their
mortal and
corruptible bodies returned to the dust of the ground out of
which they were
taken. That there was something wonderful in their death, we
shall not deny.
But however difficult it may be to explain the account of their
departure, the
simple fact of their having borne the earthy nature, is
sufficient to justify
the conclusion that they underwent some change that was
equivalent to the
ordinary death of man. Or if it can be shown that they never
passed through any
such change, they must be regarded as strange and wonderful
exceptions. But our
concern is with all who die in the earthy nature. And leaving
these particular
cases entirely out of view, without attempting any explanation,
none will deny
that in this nature all men die.
How many, then, shall
be made alive in Christ? We ask no man to respond. St. Paul
gives the true
answer in these words, “even
so in
Christ shall all be made alive.” And surely the
apostle did
not introduce the expression even so to
mean that all die
in the earthy nature, but that only a part will
be made alive
in the heavenly. If such were his real meaning, he has certainly
not selected
the most intelligible language to express it. Dr. EDWARDS says
in reference to
the words of the apostle now before us, “It is indeed a truth
granted on all
hands, that all mankind will be raised at the last day; but it
does not hence
follow, that the apostle in this verse is speaking of such an
resurrection." But we should like to be informed where this “Truth” is
if not in the very passage before us.
In what
part of the Bible is it more
plainly declared? We are free to confess that if “universal resurrection” is
here taught, we are unable to find any proof of this doctrine in
the word
of God.
The Methodist Commentator, CLARKE, we think,
acted far more
wisely in reference to the verse in question. He commented on
the verse which
precedes it, and also on the one by which it is succeeded; but
in regard to
this particular passage, he did not venture one word. This was
certainly more
prudent and commendable than to contradict the apostle, and
while assenting to
the doctrine which he plainly declares, deny that he teaches
anything of the
kind. But Edwards seemed prepared to deny any thing that did not
chime with his
own merciless creed!
Rev. JOSIAH HOPKINS, a New England divine, says
in his work
called, “The Christian Instructor,” “Another passage, which is
thought by many
to support this doctrine, [universal salvation] is the
following, “For as in
Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive." The reader
will here
notice, in the first place, that this author has not quoted the
correctly. He has omitted the little word or even,' which
by no means favorable to his creed. But misquoting the
Scriptures is a very
common failing with men of his school—too much so, indeed, for
us to hold him
particularly responsible for such a fault. And after giving the
passage in its
mutilated form, he says, by way of explaining its meaning, “It
is so perfectly
plain that the apostle refers in this passage to the
resurrection, and that
only, it is a matter of surprise that it should ever be quoted
upon any other
subject.” Well, this is truly a marvelous comment. Whoever
pretended that the
passage does not refer to the
resurrection, or quoted it
upon any other subject. We certainly give it this very
reference; and because
it does thus refer, we maintain that it
teaches the
doctrine of universal salvation.
It has,
however, been said that though all
mankind will be made alive by the power of
Christ in the
resurrection, some will be admitted to the joys of heaven, and
the residue will
be doomed to the unceasing pains of hell. But it should be
understood that anything
whatever may be said, and all kinds of
things have been said about
Christian doctrine-though our proper concern is with what the
scriptures say.
Look carefully for a moment at the objection. All men shall be
made alive in
Christ, and yet a part of them shall be eternally tormented out
of Christ! This
seems to be very bad logic, to say the least. We have no liking
for such
reasoning though it may be called theological ; and we seriously
doubt whether anything
of the kind ever entered into the mind of Paul the apostle. We
read that
“ if any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature ;" also
there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." And
are well persuaded that the best Christian believer on earth is
permitted to hope for anything more than life in Christ beyond
troubles of mortality and the gloom of the grave.
Besides, it should be
well understood that St. Paul not only assures us that we shall
all be made alive in
Christ beyond death; but he plainly declares that “as we have
borne the image
of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of
the heavenly.” It
is therefore plain that to be made alive in Christ after having
died in
Adam, is not merely to be quickened into an immortal life; but
is to be made alive in the HEAVENLY NATURE. Why try to keep this important fact out of view? Or
pretend, against all good sense, and in opposition to Scripture
truth, that
any man will be the subject of dishonor and shame and suffering,
in possession
of a life that shall be heavenly and divine?
But we shall be told
that immediately after declaring, “For as in Adam all die, even
so in Christ
shall all be made alive," the apostle adds, “ But every man in his own order." This
has been supposed to mean that some men will be made alive in
happiness, and
others in the most
dreadful sufferings. But is anything of the kind here stated ? O,
it is perfectly understood that in the entire chapter before us
there is
not one word in regard to any retributive judgment or any penal
suffering. What
semblance of authority, then, has any man to put forth the
statement in
question? What is the order of which St. Paul
speaks? Plainly
the order of time, and no other order. Mark his
the first fruits; afterward they
that are
Christ's at his coming. Then cometh the end." And
this end shall come, it is declared that all
things shall
be subdued unto Christ, even as he also
shall be subject
unto the Father, that God may be all in all. Whatever
therefore, may attend the attempt to explain the verse here
the fact is clear that in the end Christ will
completely triumph over sin and death, and every soul of man
will then be
enabled truly to say, “ In the Lord have I righteousness and strength."
If the
question still be asked, Who are
Christ's ? We may answer in the words of St. Peter, and say, “he is Lord of all.” The
are his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth are
possession. “The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all
things into his
hands." Christ as the head of the spiritual creation, rose first ; afterward the
of the whole body will rise at the proper time; and when all for
the Redeemer tasted death shall have been raised to heavenly and
immortal life,
the great end will come, and God shall be all in all ?
Hopkins cites the
passage, “Afterward they that are Christ's at
coming,” and then says, “This passage very plainly intimates
that there will be
some who will not belong to Christ; and in what order such will
be saved, it
must be impossible to tell.” Now all this, though it might have
satisfied the
mind of the author, is a mere childish play upon words. If there
be any argument here,
we can prove by the same argument that there are nations which
never made! We read, Psalm lxxxvi. 9, "All nations whom thou hast made shall
and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name.” But
could be more stupid and senseless than to say in view of this
it very plainly intimates that there are some nations that God
has not made;
and in what order they are created, it must be impossible to
tell! And yet such
an inference from the passage in Psalms would be quite as
logical and just as
that which many persons have felt authorized to draw from 1st
Cor. xv.23!
It may,
however, still be affirmed that by
the pronoun “we” the apostle must be understood
merely as including
himself, the persons addressed, and all others of like
character. “And as we have
borne the image of the earthy, we shall also
bear the image of
the heavenly!" The Rev. ALBERT BARNES says on these words, 66
The argument here
is, that the connection which is formed between the BELIEVER and
the Savior is
as close as that which subsisted between him and Adam; and as
that connection
with Adam involved the certainty that he would be subjected to
pain, sin,
sickness and death, so the connection with Christ involves the
certainty that
he will like him be free from sin, sickness, pain, and death,
and like him will
have a body that is pure, incorruptible, and immortal.” And Dr.
ventured to paraphrase the passage as follows:- “For as we, THE
borne the image of the earthy man in our body, because we wore
to live a while
on earth, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly man in
our body at the
resurrection, because we are to live forever in heaven."
Here it is declared
that it is the believers and the righteous who
to be made alive in Christ, because it is said, we shall bear
the image of
the heavenly. But as nothing is said in the passage itself or in
the connection
of believers or of righteous persons,
why may we
not restrict the meaning of the word we, still more, and say
that it embraces
none but the writer himself and the very individuals to
he wrote? Surely, we have as much authority thus to limit it, as
others have to
limit it at all!
But as much is said
in connection with our subject of believers and the righteous,
what, let us
here inquire, was the real character of
the very persons whom the apostle addressed? —and
certainly they were
included in the word we. Hear what St. Paul himself says on this
subject in the
very chapter before us. “How say some among you, that there is
no resurrection
of the dead?” Again, he says to them in this same chapter, “For
some men have
not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.” It seems,
then, that
some of them were disbelievers in the resurrection of the dead,
and were withal
destitute of the knowledge of God! And the epistles of St. Paul
to the
Corinthians give strong proof that some at least of that people
not only denied
the resurrection, and were devoid of a knowledge of their Maker;
but that they were
also addicted to the most vile and abominable habits of life!
And these, the
learned commentators in their profound wisdom tell us are the
believers and the
righteous, who are to be made alive in the heavenly nature of
Christ, to the
utter exclusion of unbelievers and sinners! They were indeed
very much like the
believers and the righteous in our own day! And if men
sustaining the character
which they bore in life, are finally to become holy and happy in
Christ, we
should like to be furnished with a description of the character
of those who
will be eternally cast off from all favor and mercy, because
they are
Alas! What sad work
men make in their attempts to explain the Scriptures! ln seeking to make the word of
God harmonize with
their own fancies,
they darken counsel
by words without
knowledge, and at last
just succeed in obscuring
the sense of
what everybody would clearly
if it were not for their labored explanations!
But, friendly reader,
it is not of the righteous
and the
believing that the apostle speaks in the
chapter before us; but of the human race—of all who bear the
earthy nature of man.
Faith and unbelief,
and retribution, are
other subjects, very
proper to be considered
but holding no connection
here. The
doctrine of St. Paul teaches us that, beyond all faith and
unbelief and
retribution, the vast family of Adam shall
be made alive and blessed in Christ. Such is the declared
purpose of God
in reference to the end of man’s existence. And while we cherish faith and hope
in Christ, because
they are full of
comfort and joy; and
while we are careful to maintain good works, because “These things are good and
profitable unto men;”
let us ever rejoice
and give praise to
God for the blessed
assurance that where
sin abounds grace does
much more abound,
and that as we all bear
the image of the
earthy man, we shall also
bear the image
of the heavenly, even Jesus
Christ, who