By Albert St. John Chambre
Written in 1869
In whom do you believe?
Ans. I believe in God.What do you believe of God?
Ans. I believe there is one God, who is the Creator of all things, and the Father of all souls.What do you believe of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Ans. I believe that Jesus Christ is the "only begotten Son" of God, and the "Mediator between God and men."What did Jesus Christ do?
Ans. He came into this world, and lived and suffered, and at last died upon the cross.For what purpose did he do all this?
Ans. That be might be the Teacher, Example, and Saviour of mankind.Believing this, what do you call yourself
Ans. A Christian.What more do you believe as a Christian?
Ans.What is the faith called, to distinguish it from other forms of faith?I believe in the Holy Spirit of God as the Comforter and Sanctifier;
In the certainty of punishment for wrong-doing;
In the forgiveness of sins;
In the resurrection from death;
And in the final holiness and happiness of all souls.
Ans. UNIVERSALISM.Why do you believe in the final holiness and happiness of all souls?
Ans. Because it is declared in the Bible that God "will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." I Tim. ii. 4.How will this be accomplished?
Ans. By the knowledge and love of God shed abroad in all hearts, and the subjection of all souls to the reign of the Saviour.How long will Christ reign?
Ans. Until all souls shall be brought into his kingdom.What shall take place then?
Ans, The kingdom shall be delivered up to God, and God shall be "All in All." I Cor. xv. 22, 28.What does God require of every soul?
Ans. Obedience to his will.In what is that will made known?
Ans. In the Holy Bible.Are there any special rules of obedience?
Ans. There are. The Moral Law, and the moral and religious precepts of Jesus Christ.In what is the Moral Law given?
Ans. In the Ten Commandments, Ex. xx.What are the Ten Commandments?
Ans. Laws given by God, through Moses, to the Children of Israel.Will you repeat them briefly?
Ans.Where are the precepts of Jesus Christ found?1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven images, nor worship them.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor thy father and thy mother
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10. Thou shalt not covet any thing that is thy neighbor's.
Ans. In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and through the writings of the Apostles.What is meant by the certainty of punishment?
Ans. That I must suffer the penalty of every sin which I commit.What is sin?
Ans. Sin is a wilful transgression of the law of God.For what purpose is punishment?
Ans. The reformation of the evil-doer, and to secure obedience to God's will.How long will God punish evil-doers?
Ans. Until they repent of sin, and obey Him.Why are we required to obey God?
Ans. Because in obedience to Him we attain the highest good.When does God forgve sins?
Ans. When we truly repent, and forsake them.Does God's fatherly interest in his sinful children ever cease?
Ans. It does not. Wherever and whenever the soul repents, and turns to the Father, He will receive and bless.What is the resurrection from death?
Ans. The rising of the soul, at the death of the body, into the immortal life.How can true happiness be attained?
Ans. By becoming holy.How can we become holy?
Ans. By humbly walking with God, after the example of Jesus Christ.How may we keep God's laws?
Ans. By carefully attending to their requirements, and by prayer to God to help us.From what, then, is salvation?
Ans. From sin.What are the principal means of grace in the Christian life?
Ans. The Word of God, the Church, the Sacraments, and Prayer.What is the Word of God?
Ans. The Holy Scriptures. given by inspiration of God. 2 TIM. iii. 16.What is the Church of Christ?
Ans. The Christian Church consists of all who profess the religion of Christ and who strive to lead pure and holy lives.Is it the duty of Christians to be members of the Church?
Ans. It is.Why?
Ans. That they may be more closely united with Christ as the head of the Church, and with each other as his people.What is meant by a Sacrament?
Ans. In a Christian sense, it is the outward expression, or sign, of a Christian truth.How many Sacraments are there in the Christian Church especially demanding our attention?
Ans. Two. Holy Baptism, and the Holy Communion or "Lord's Supper."How is Baptism conferred?
Ans. With water, sprinkled or poured upon the person baptized by the officiating clergyman. Or, by immersion.Of what is Baptism the outward expression, or sign?
Ans. That God is our Father, that Jesus Christ is our Saviour, and that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Sanctifier. (Baptismal Formula.) Matt. xxviii. 19.What is required of candidates for baptism.
Ans. Repentance of all sin, and faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour.Why are infants baptized?
Ans. As a recognition and acknowledgment that they are God's children; That their parents may pledge themselves to train them in the Christian life; and that they, at proper time, may be led to unite themselves with the Church, a nd live as the children of God, the followers of Christ, and the heirs of heaven.For what was the Sacrament of the Holy Communion, or "Lord's Supper," ordained?
Ans. To be a memorial of Christ, and of all he did and suffered for us.With what is this Sacrament celebrated in the Church?
Ans. With bread and wine.0f what is the "Lord's Supper" the outward expression, or sign?
Ans. Of he broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ, in his death upon the cross as he Saviour of all souls.How should we come to this sacrament?
Ans. Truly repenting of all sin, and earnestly seeking a close communion with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.With what should prayer be accompanied?
Ans. Humble confession of sin, praise to God for all his mercies, sincere faith in his promises, and an earnest desire for spiritual blessings, especially salvation.Where should prayer be offered?
Ans. Anywhere. Publicly, in the house of God; privately, in our homes; and secretly, in our chambers, or wherever most convenient.What special form of prayer do we possess?
Ans. "The Lord's Prayer," as follows: - "Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we f orgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory. forever. Amen."Do all Christians accept this faith which you have called Universalism?
Ans. They do not.Why do you accept it?
Ans. Because it agrees with the Word of God, and with the reason which God has given us.What is the duty of those who accept this faith?
Ans. To endeavor to become fully imbued with its spirit, and to do whatever they can to lead others to accept and be guided by it.Do you feel under obligation to discharge this duty?
Ans. I do.Will you endeavor so to do?
Ans. With God's help and blessing, I will.