Some Questions Answered About Universalism
From article in:
Universalist Herald - February 15, 1891
- What is Universalism?
- The belief that every soul will obey
God sometime, somewhere.
- Suppose the soul says, as thousands do, "I will not obey!"
God will punish it until it comes to itself and says: "I will obey!"
- Suppose the sinner dies and goes to hell in that condition (i.e.
saying, "I will not obey!").
- He does not have to die in order to
go to hell, because every soul that says that, is in hell already. But
death makes no difference with the necessity laid upon him to repent. God
wants him and he cannot go to any place where God is not. He must obey.
- But is not man free?
- No, only in a limited sense. Man is
under law which he cannot evade and a necessity to obey which he cannot
- Has man no freedom?
- Yes, he can choose how much he will
force God to punish him before he will yeild and obey.
- May he not exhaust God's resources and wear out His patience?
- No, it is impossible.
- In view of this, what is the only sane thing for man to do?
- Turn at once obedient. Since he must obey sometime, why postpone it?
Every hour it is put off means an hour of loss and pain not only for the
sinner but for the whole race of man, since while one is wretched, all
must be. Every step into sin is a step which must be painfully retraced.
- Does not this doctrine encourage laxness?
- No, it brings
men face to face with the irresistible God and shows them that the fight
against Him is the fool's fight.
- What is the effect of this on the true believer?
- Seeing
the folly, pain, and uselessness of disobedience, he begins at once a
sincere effort to learn and obey God's will himself and then uses every
possible means to turn his fellow men to obedience.
- Does not this doctrine cut the nerve of missionary enterprise?
- No, it is itself the nerve and sinew of all true missionary
- What of those who sometimes take our name but do none of these
- They are not Universalists. They are only anti-orthodox
or some other negative people.