TO YOU, my friends, who do not yet
know the way of salvation, it is my desire to have you journey with me
along the pathway that leads to glory. As we journey, may God, by His grace,
make known to you the riches of the glory of the good news of Jesus Christ,
the Saviour.
Perhaps, at times, even from
childhood. when hearing the Word of God, you may have felt a magnetic
power drawing you toward Christ. But then, you may have thought that
childhood, like vanity, is filled with illusions.
Moreover, in later years, perhaps
during your teens, your twenties or thirties, when you heard the message
of salvation, you felt as though you were being won over to it. But even
then, you failed to realize that it was the spirit of God drawing you to
Christ. At first, you may have felt disposed to put it off—even to ignore
it. Yet, somehow, you felt unable to shake off such an over-powering
The truth of the matter is, that
God was really at work in your heart; God's holy spirit was revealing His
Son in you—Gal. 1:16. The time was ripe for you to become acquainted with
Him and to embark on the pathway to glory.
Presently, looking back over the
years, you may perceive that your experience in childhood was a
preparation—a sort of softening-up period—for the time when you would
recognize Jesus as your Saviour, and that, after all, there is a vital
connection between your experience in childhood and that in your mature
As a matter of fact, gently,
patiently, kindly, considerately, God has been dealing with you through
the years with a view of bringing you to Himself. While you did not rebel
against His overtures, you simply kept putting off the matter of
salvation. Never-the-less, when trials seemed to overwhelm you, you did
somehow think of God's goodness and favor in your life. You may have had
some unpleasant experiences, too, and even resolved to make a change in
your life. But all this was God working in you to show you your need of
Christ, the Saviour, who died for all.
The reason why God gave His Son for
us, is that the very first man, Adam, committed an act of disobedience to
God's Word, thereby involving the whole of the human race which sprang
from him. Naturally, all of us partake of his nature and the penalty
imposed on him—
"Therefore, even as through one man sin
entered into the world, and through sin, death, and thus death came
through into all mankind on which all sinned" (Rom. 5 :12).
Regardless of our position in life, we are sinners by birth, certainly,
not by choice. So then, God sent His only begotten Son into the world to
save us from sin and death.
Our Lord Jesus gave His life for
the salvation of mankind, therefore, sin and its effects will be
"Yet now, once, has He been manifested through
His sacrifice, for the repudiation of sin at the conclusion of the
eons" (Heb. 9 :26). Actually, His saving grace is now being applied
to all those who are called to salvation; and still, there is power in the
blood of Christ to correct the havoc wrought by sin now, and in the eons
(ages) to come. Sin, death, and Satan will not then triumph as in the
past, and at the present moment, for Christ died and conquered them all.
It is only a matter of time, when He shall be placing all His enemies
under His feet. So then, the saving grace of God will reach every man in
due time.
The answer to this question is so
wonderfully simple, that it may be difficult to believe. While in another
administration, "forgiveness" or "pardon" of offenses may have been had on
the basis of works; in this present administration, salvation, which is
not to be confused with "forgiveness" is received in a somewhat different
way; that is,
"according to the riches of His
grace" (Eph. 1:7).
righteousness—(salvation)—which is of faith is given on this wise:—
"In Whom—[Christ]—
you also—when
hearing the Word of truth, the evangel of your salvation—in Whom, when
believing . . . " Let me pause a moment to point out that
from this statement, it may be seen that no amount of praying, or
confessing, or any of man's deadly-doing can avail in the matter of one's
salvation. It is not a case of "DO," but "DONE," for the benefits of the
finished work of the Cross of Jesus Christ become ours. And note a further
statement in the text;—
"in Whom (Christ)
when believing also," mark you, not, "tarrying
for," not, "speaking in tongues," not, being "baptized in water," as
evidences of salvation, but
believing you
are—(taking place at the same time)—
Sealed with the holy spirit of promise (Eph. 1
:13-14). So then, the saving and sealing are yours simply by
To believe, is to have faith in; to
rely upon. It is part of our being. There is not a man who exists without
some natural faith. Such faith is common to man. In fact, the experience
is so common, it would be like asking, "How can I breathe? for if I do
not breathe, I am not alive. Natural man and natural faith go hand in hand.
However, the believing with which
we are concerned, is not the natural inherited sense of trust; but that
which is supernatural—God given. It is a special kind of faith—"Jesus
Christ's faith" that comes to all and upon all who are believing (Rom. 3
:22). Our salvation is, "of faith, in order to accord with grace (Rom. 4
:16)". We are
". . . saved through faith for grace, and
this is naught of yours; it is God's oblation, not of works, lest anyone
should be boasting" (Eph. 2 :8-9). With respect to salvation, the
truth is, that human effort is ruled out entirely, for faith to believe in
the finished work of the Cross is the gift of God. Every one who is saved
can truly testify to this truth.
The whole scheme of our Lord's crucifixion
was enacted by Satan and his cohorts for the destruction and consequent
elimination of Jesus the Saviour of the whole world. But, God intended
this diabolical scheme—with its resultant tragedy—to accomplish His purpose
for the good of all His creatures, even those who perpetrated this heinous
Yet, His death became the most
sublime incident in the universe, and by far, the most breath-taking,
because of its place in the purpose of God. Thank God, Christ came out of
the ordeal triumphantly.
"He has the keys of death and
hades" (Rev. 1:18).
By heavenly design, the Cross of
shame is transformed into something respectable, yea, glorious and of
inestimable value. It is something not to be ashamed of, but rather, to
glory in. The Apostle Paul states the matter accurately when he says,
"God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our
Lord Jesus Christ" (Gal. 6 :14).
The provision for the salvation
of all mankind is therefore complete. At the present time, salvation is
an election—a calling. God is not at a loss to save anyone now, or in the
future—a truth which is indisputably taught in the Scriptures. But no one
is saved, unless he comes to God through Christ, and no one can come to
Christ, unless he is drawn by Him (John 6 :44). God, then, is Master of
the entire situation, in every sense of the word. He is the Saviour of
The more excellent way of helping
you in seeking the way of salvation would be to bring to your attention—and
recollection, the very early promptings, and later, the strong pull of
the spirit—if such there were—as evidence of God's operation. To be sure,
once you have experienced the spirit of God making its home in you—which
comes not by praying, or by confessing, or by tarrying, but by God's grace,
which is wholly unearned, unsolicited—you certainly will know your place
in the family of God (Rom. 8 :16-17).
If, however, you feel this
drawing-power, this pull on the heart (as it were) of God's spirit in your
life drawing you to Christ, then you may have good reason to believe that
you are among the chosen of God. It is written:
whoever are being led by God's spirit, these are sons of God" (Rom.
8:14). On the other hand, if you do not feel this drawing power, this, of
course, does not mean that you are entirely out of God's favor as is
sometimes said, "eternally lost and without hope," (a statement not found
in the Scriptures), for God has made provision for all. There is no one
really lost to God; for, note "the lost things" in Luke 15, were not
permanently lost, but only temporarily displaced, even the "lost son"
found a loving father. How could anyone be everlastingly lost to God the
Creator of all when everything, and everyone in life or death—is open
before His eyes. If earth's millions are lost—out of God's reach—who then
would be the victor, God or Satan? Is Satan stronger than God?
But someone will say, although
God has provided salvation for the sinner, who is a free moral agent, it's
up to him to exercise his own will in the matter, for God will save no one
against his will.
This argument sounds most
conclusive were it not for the clear teaching of the Scriptures which give
us a concrete example of God's method of saving man in this day of grace.
Consider the case of Saul
of Tarsus, and answer. Could ever a man more madly do all in his power
against Christ and His people? Saul's religion made him the chief of
sinners, Christ's bitterest enemy; but did all his opposition to God and
his bitterness to Christ win out over God's intention? Oh, No! For the
record in Acts 9 speaks for itself of that salvation which is of
grace—grace alone, without human will, works, or wealth.
By Divine design, God had chosen
Saul in Christ eons before his birth and in due time called him—even
against his will, while on the road to Damascus. There, suddenly a
light—brighter than the noon-day sun—flashed about him, and falling down
to earth, he hears a voice saying unto him,
"Saul, Saul,
why art thou persecuting Me?" It is hard for you to kick against the
goads." Yes,
"the grace of God over-whelmed him,
with faith and love in Christ" (1 Tim. 1:2-16), even as it does all
believers today.
God's purpose of the eons (ages)
is to eventually save and reconcile all intelligent creatures by means
of instructions and disciplinary measures, which He will institute at the
Great White Throne Judgment. Consequently, all will have come to a knowledge
of the truth, and a realization of God—as He should be in their lives—God
of love, of wisdom and of grace, determined to bless all His creatures
to the full with infinite joy, peace and endless happiness.
This, then, my friend, is the story
of the pathway that leads to glory. I sincerely trust that you will treasure
this golden nugget of truth passed on to you and that God will use it to
His honor and glory, and to your good. May you too, dear reader, feel the
power of His presence as you read these lines. Believe from the heart,
confess (Him) with you lips, and thou shall be saved (Rom. 10:9-10).
Please carefully read and consider
the following statement:
I _________________________________,
this the _______ day, of __________ 2003,
do recognize the Lord Jesus as my personal Saviour from sin,
and dedicate my life to His service.
If the above statement is true
of you, for your own encouragement,
print this document and put your
name and date in the space provided.