of Reference
By E.
E. Guild, 1853
Salvation and Damnation (partial)
pages 293-296
Mark 16:16, “He
that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved; but he
that believeth not shall be damned.”
The questions to be considered are:
What is it
that we are required to believe, the belief of which is necessary
to salvation?
What is the
nature of the salvation promised to the believer and where is it
to be
What is the
nature of the damnation threatened to the unbeliever, and where is
it to be
experienced, and how long?
1. What must we
believe? Ask the Calvinist,
the Arminian and the Universalist, what we must believe, and
they will all
tell you, and tell you very truly, too, and in the language of
Scripture, “Believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Ask
them if our simply
believing that there was such a person as Jesus Christ will be
sufficient, and
they will all tell you no. And they will assign as a reason for
this, that a man
may believe that there was such a person, and at the same time
believe him to
have been an imposter. So far, then, these three classes of
embracing all who profess the Christian name, are perfectly
agreed. And if you
ask, What then must we believe about Jesus Christ? they will tell
you that
every man is required to believe that Jesus Christ is his Savior.
But if you
push your inquiries a little further, and ask, as an individual,
Is Jesus
Christ my Savior? you have now arrived to a point on which the
Calvinist will
differ from the Arminian, the Arminian from the Calvinist, and the
from both.
If you put the
question to the Calvinist,
Is Jesus
my Savior? if he answers in consistency with his creed, he must
tell you Yes,
if you are one of the elect. Before you can believe that Jesus is
your Savior,
then, you must believer something anterior to this, and that is,
that you are
one of the elect. But what evidence can be presented to the mind
of the sinner
which will enable him to believe that he is one of the elect? No
man but a
Pharisee can possibly believe this. That man’s organ of
self-esteem must reach nigh
unto heaven, who can believe that he is selected, out of the great
mass of
mankind, as one of God’s chosen favorites. Hence, upon the
principles of
Calvinism, there are no grounds of belief. All belief which is
worthy of the
name, is regulated by evidence. But, in this ease, no evidence can
possibly be
presented to the mind of any rational man, which will enable him
to believe.
Besides, if the individual is one of the elect, he will be saved
whether he believes
Christ is his Savior or not; and if he is not one of the elect, if
he believes
he is his Savior, he believes a lie. Of course. in this case, his
faith cannot
save him. If he was reprobated to damnation before the foundation
of the world,
of course he will not be damned for not believing that Jesus is
his Savior.
If you ask the Arminian,
Is Jesus Christ my Savior? he
must tell you No, not unless you believe that he is. Hence, he
requires you to
make truth as you go along. Jesus, he tells you, is not your
Savior now, but,
by believing that he is, you can convert him into your Savior. But
if Jesus is
not your Savior, why should you be required to believe that he is
? If he is
not your Savior, why should you be damned for believing that he is
not? If he
is not your Savior, how can your believing that he is make him so?
If he is
your Savior, and you believe he is pot, you believe a lie. It‘ he
is not your Savior,
and you believe he is not, you believe the truth. According to
this theory,
then, we are required to believe that which is false, in order to
be saved;
and, by believing that falsehood, we convert it into truth. Again,
according to
this theory. God saves us for believing a lie, and damns us for
believing the truth.
If you ask the Universalist
what you must believe in
order to be saved, he will tell you to believe the Gospel. In the
immediately preceding the text, our Lord says to his disciples, “Go
ye into all
the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”
Then follows the
text, “He that
believeth,” &c.
He that believeth
what? Evidently the Gospel, which the disciples were commissioned
to preach to
every creature. But he that truly believes in Jesus will of course
believe his
Gospel. Hence, the Universalist will tell you to believe in the
Lord Jesus
Christ, who is the propitiation “for
the sins of the whole world;” who “tasted
death for every man;” and
gave himself a ransom for all.” He will
tell you to believe in Jesus, who is the Savior of the world; and
to believe in
God, “who is
the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.” He will tell you to believe that
Jesus Christ is
your Savior; and to believe it, because it is true.
2. What is the
nature of the salvation
promised to the believer? We have already shown that it is a
salvation from
ignorance, darkness, unbelief and sin. Well, where is it to be
experienced? Answer,
in the place where, and at' the time when, faith is exercised.
This is
abundantly proved in our remarks on salvation, and requires no
further proof
3. What is the
nature of the damnation
threatened to the unbeliever? It is a sense of conscious
condemnation, to
be involved in ignorance of God’s character; to be in the gall of
and in the bonds of iniquity ; to be involved in moral death, to
be dead in trespasses
and sins, and to be without hope and without God in the world.
Well, where is
this damnation to be experienced? Like the salvation of the
believer, the
damnation of the unbeliever must be experienced in the place
where, and at the
time when, mankind are unbelievers. Again, how long must this
damnation be
experienced? Answer, just as long as the unbelief continues, and
no longer.
Perhaps one-half or more of the believers in Christ now were once
Paul himself was once a noted unbeliever, and while he was so he
was damned. This
is sufficiently evident from the feelings and disposition which he
No man can possess the Pharisaic, bigoted and murderous
disposition of Saul of
Tarsus, without being damned. That man is sufficiently damned who
can harbor
such feelings in his bosom. While Paul was an unbeliever,
therefore, he was
damned; but the moment he exercised faith in the Gospel, that
moment his
damnation ceased. Now, as we have shown that God’s will is that
all men shall
be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth; when that will
is accomplished,
there will be no unbelievers among men, for all shall know God
from the least
unto the greatest. Unbelief, which is the cause of damnation, will
be removed;
and damnation, which is the effect, will cease with the cause that
produced it.
Dr. Campbell says on this text, that the word damned “is not a
just version of
the Greek word. The term damned, with us (he says), relates solely
to the doom
which shall be pronounced upon the wicked at the last day. This
cannot be affirmed,
in truth, of the Greek katakrino,
which corresponds exactly to the English word -condemn.” To the
same import is
the testimony of Horne, Cappe, and others.