It depends on what you mean by literal hell. If you mean
the notion that hell is a place of never ending torture or torment for the
lost, then you are correct. Christian Universalism does not teach that
aspect of hell.
The word "hell", used in the KJV in various places,
is a translation of one of four different words used in the original
language of the Bible, i.e. Hebrew in the Old Testament, and Greek in
the New Testament. The word translated "hell" in the KJV Old Testament
is from the Hebrew word "sheol" which signifies the unseen state or
state of the dead. The KJV sometimes translates this word "grave" or "pit."
In the KJV New Testament "hell" is used to translate
one of three different Greek words, Hades, Geheena, or Tartarus.
Hades corresponds to sheol in the Old Testament and
signifies the unseen state or to the state of the dead.
Gehenna (vale of Hinnom) is was a garbage dump where refuse
was burned in a valley outside of Jerusalem during the time of Jesus and
where the Jews once worshipped the idol Moloch. Children were roasted
there as sacrifices (Josh. 15:8; 18:16; 2 Kings 23:10) It is not a place of
unending torment.
(the following is from "A Pocket Cyclopedia" compiled by J. W. Hanson)
"Tartarus occurs only once in the Bible (2 Pet. 2:4)
and the writer employs a fable to illustrate his theme. In the apocryphal
book Enoch, there is a long account of fallen angels and Peter alludes to
the story just as writers often do now. Not to endores the statements of
the book, but to illustrate the subject of his epistle. So writers now refer to
Aesop or classic stories to illulstrate a point.
"The three words in the New Testament translated hell ought to stand as
the names of real or imaginary localities -- Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus. Had
they done so, no reader would think of giving to them the meaning so long
ascribed to the word hell, but would understand them as meaning the grave,
or state of the dead, the vale of Hinnom, or the heathen's imaginary
prison-house in the future world, or the consequences of sin, or sorrow,
or calamity in this life. The Universalist regards hell as signifying the
consequences of sin, severe but salutary, to endure as long as sin endures,
but to end with the reformation fo the sinner."
More information can be found on the articles on our web site:
"Christian Universalism" and a "Literal Hell."
Questions from an Inquirer
> .........
> Many are against Christianity because they cannot accept a literal hell.
> It appears Christian Universalism does not believe in a literal hell. Is
> that your belief? I have been praying for clarification on this and I
> stumbled over your site. Haven't got the foggyist idea how I found you.
> I am sure God does.
> Love and God bless
Comments from Ken Allen, D.D., Senior Minister of True Grace Ministries