The Open House Church Articles

Presented on this web site by:
True Grace Ministries

Welcome to The Open House Church Articles, presented by True Grace Ministries, one resource among many for disciples who seek ever more intimate communion with Christ and within the household of faith, and who seek to engage the world in lov ing witness as ambassadors of God's Kingdom (Heb. 3:1-6; John 17:20-26; Col. 1:23,13).

Please keep in mind the fact that the True Grace Ministries web site is undergoing continuous revision. The articles included here have come from a variety of sources, including speeches, articles, tracts, and other presentations, and they have been composed over a period of time and many of them are no longer in print. Thus there may be some inconsistency in thought or development.

A writer's inclusion on this site does not imply his full agreement with all of the articles; each writer is responsible only for his own stated views, and does not necessarily reflect the views of True Grace Ministries. Many of the articles on the True Grace Ministries web site have been included only for the viewers use in the comparison of differing views and beliefs. [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Other Article Libraries

The Basics

The Church

Doctrines of Sin and Salvation

General Doctrinal Issues

Historical and Cultural Issues

Book Reviews


Other House Church Web Sites


The Basics

What is the Gospel?

What is a Christian?

What is the Bible?

How to Read the Bible

What is a House Church?


The Church

A Theological Foundation

The Case for House Church

The Multiple Pastor Model

Objections to the Multiple Pastor Model


Authority in the Church

Leadership and Ordination

Women in the Church

Objections Considered

The Rise of the Clergy

Church and Money

Four Tragic Shifts in the Visible Church

Demythologizing Church

The Meaning of Communion

The Lord's Supper

Why House Church?


Doctrines of Sin and Salvation

Abundant Pardon

Don't Doubt God!

The Meaning of the Atonement

Calvinism Critiqued

Calvinism: A Debate

Original Sin?

Filthy Rags?

Imputed Righteousness?

Justification Revisited

The Noble and Good Heart

Common Myths About Paul

Paul and the Law


General Doctrinal Issues

The Basis for Christian Fellowship

Heresy and Unity

Jesus & The Trinity(1)

Jesus & The Trinity(2)

Endless Torture Unbiblical

Prophecy Alert

Prophetic Chronologies

Conspiracy & Prophecy

Is the Bible Inerrant?


Historical and Cultural Issues

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament

The Rise of the Clergy

Is Anything Wrong with "Trick or Treat"?

The Bible and Science


Book Reviews

The Table of the Lord

What Saint Paul Really Said



Political Issues


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This Page Was Last modified: Saturday, 08-Jun-2019 09:54:10 EDT