The New Church
and the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg
The Real Fundamentals of Christianity
By E. M. Lawrence Gould
Lesson 1: What the Church Is
Lesson 2: Concerning Jesus Christ
Questions and Responses
1.) When the Lord Jesus was on earth, did He have two natures, two minds, two wills, i.e. one human and one divine? 2.) If so, now, after His glorification, does He still have these?
Who Is God?
Who Is Jesus?
By the Rev. Douglas M. Taylor
What the Bible Says About ... Who Is Jesus?
For Those in Sorrow
From the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg
Nine Questions
Nine questions on the Trinity and related topics proposed by Thomas Hartley to Emanuel Swedenborg with his answers.
Some Excerpts from the "True Christian Religion"
"True Christian Religion" Sections: 163-184 *** The Divine Trinity ***
"True Christian Religion" Sections: 282 - 330 *** The Decalogue (The Ten Commandments)
The Canons: Sections 38-47 *** The Divine Trinity ***
Some Related Links
The Swedenborgian Church
New Jerusalem Church (Swedenborgian), Bridgewater, MA
Lee Woofenden's Sermons
The New Church
The Swedenborg Association
A New Christian Era - The New Church
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True Grace Ministries
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