(1) Our redemption through the precious blood, and our justification by demonstrated faith therein.Thus each member of the body of Christ, maintaining his own personal liberty, is so thoroughly devoted to the Head and to all the members that it will be his pleasure to lay down all, even life itself, on their behalf.(2) Our sanctification, setting apart to the Lord, the Truth and their service--including the service of the brethren.
(3) Aside from these essentials, upon which unity must be demanded, there can be no Scriptural fellowship; upon every other point fullest liberty is to be accorded, with, however, a desire to see, and to help others to see, the divine plan in its every feature and detail.
Jesus and the Trinity (Part 1) - By Mark M. Mattison: The purpose of this article is to explain objectively what the different views are and why. Identifying the historical basis for each position helps us to understand today's theological landscape and to appreciate where others are coming from.
Jesus and the Trinity (Part 2) - By Mark M. Mattison: Whereas Jesus and the Trinity (Part 1) was primarily historical and theological, this article is primarily practical and Scriptural. Some Bible students may be more interested in the different positions, or concerned to determine the most accurate view, or uncertain how Christians of the various theological positions can get along. All of these questions will be addressed in the form of a fictional short story based on personal experiences.