Christians are in training for a glorious future work of bestowing blessings upon the whole world of mankind. It is this blessed, Scriptural fact that gives point to the Christian life. The trials of faith, the discipline, and the hours of patient toil in the Master's service, would lose much of their meaning if when the end of the narrow way of sacrifice is reached there is to be nothing to do -- nothing but an eternity of idleness.
The Scriptures admonish us to put down self and selfishness in order that our hearts and minds may be filled and controlled by love. We are to love God and each other as He loves us. God manifested His love by the gift of His Son to be our Redeemer and the Redeemer of the whole world. Jesus demonstrated His love by the willing sacrifice of His earthly life as a ransom for Adam and his race condemned to death because of sin. It is clear that if we are moved by such love we too will delight in the privilege of serving others.
Unquestionably, one of the sweetest joys of the Christian is experienced in self-sacrificing efforts to help others. But the present life is short. Human frailties are a handicap which limit our feeble service. Almost before we realize it the eventide of life begins to spread its darkening shadows around us; and if the Spirit of God and of Christ fills our hearts we will feel that our service has been all too meager, that if it were possible we would like to continue that service, and increase it to the glory of God.
It is the possibility of doing just this that the Scriptures hold out to us as the great objective of the Christian life. The Christian church, made up of all the true followers of the Master, is identified by the Apostle Paul to be the divinely provided channel of blessing for all mankind. God promised Abraham that his seed would bless all the families of the earth. The apostle reveals that Christ and His church constitute that promised seed (Galatians 3:16, 27-29). This great work of blessing is still future. It is the work of the thousand-year age when Christ and His church will reign as the spiritual rulers of the earth. The church participates in the "first resurrection" that she may live and reign with Christ (Revelation 20:4-5).
The book, "The Divine Plan of the Ages", says of the world's desire for blessing:
"As though by instinct, the whole creation, while it groans and travails in pain, waits for, longs for and hopes for the day, calling it the Golden Age; yet men grope blindly, because not aware of the great Jehovah's gracious purposes."What a privilege it will be in that new age now near, to share with Christ in the great work of enlightening the world concerning God's loving plan, and giving the people an opportunity to enter into the blessings of life and happiness which He has provided through the redemptive work of Christ!